Thursday, October 13, 2011

End Game

Lindsey and I apologize about not having posted in so long. Our professor and a couple of his colleagues came for a one week visit to the cave so we devoted the majority of our time to them.

What a great week we had with Dr. Sherwin. We went to a press conference in Davao, had 3 DELICIOUS meals at Precious Garden Beach Resort, visited the Hagimit waterfalls on Samal, and went snorkeling twice.

In other news, for those of you who do not already know, Lindsey and I have come back to the United States! We arrived home yesterday at about 3:30 PM.

Our trip was cut short because CNU decided that the area was too unsafe for students to reside in - apparently the area we were living in has been issued a "travel warning" which is the same status given to places like Afghanistan. 

We are more than happy to be home to see our friends and family (and in my case, pets) and to eat all of the delicious foods we have missed, but our departure was abrupt and not in the least bit anticipated - we didn't even have time to say goodbye to Quincy Cow. 

I know I speak for both Lindsey and I when I say that we had a great time on our trip and we are going to miss the Philippines and the bats tremendously.

This shall be my last post. I will finish by adding a few amazing pictures from our week with Dr. Sherwin.